The Books Are Glaring At Me.

The month of June was a long one, in which NOT A SINGLE BOOK WAS READ. Seriously. How does that even happen in my world?

As a result, I have amassed a large LARGE stack of novels that have been given/loaned to me over the past two months. Then, there are also the books that were recommended to me that I just HAD to check out from the library immediately.

(Overdue fines are just extra funding for our poor libraries, right?)

I thought I might do a Book Haul, as they call it in the book blogging world, to show y’all just what has been prancing around my mind (and decorating my nightstand/entertainment center/bookshelves/dining room table…) the last few weeks.

Machine of Death

By far the weirdest and most intriguing addition to my bookshelves was this find hiding on my Goodread’s To-Read list. Short stories. Sci-Fi. Based on a comic strip…

You’ll see that book review coming up soon. And it’s a good one.

The Winter Sea

On the other side of the spectrum, The Winter Sea by Susanna Kersley was loaned to me by Simone. Adult Fiction, in a very “meta” way about an author who is writing a book.

It’s already fueling my need to travel to Scotland.

Memoirs of a Geisha

Ever since watching the movie in high school, I have had this book on my To-Read list. I’ve probably checked it out from the library on 3 separate occasions, but this time, I WILL READ IT.

Sarah’s Key

This novel has been recommended to me (over and over and over again) by my mom. Funny enough, even though my mom has excellent taste in novels (and is a librarian, for goodness sakes!), I don’t often read her recommendations. However, I’ve been seeing this book pop up on many, many lists, and I think this one will break the cycle!

Other Novels:
(All are recommendations or gifts from family and friends! They know me so well.)

Escape from Camp 14
Across the Universe