
Whew! Hello!

What a whirlwind of a few weeks it has been! As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of year. I mean, whose isn’t? The presents, the food, the pretty outfits, the presents…. I love the festivities and the excitement, plus the free time to run around with my cousins while my parents were otherwise occupied with the cooking and visiting.

As I’ve gotten older, the Christmas season has gotten more and more hectic. It seems like I have less free time, more expectations, and more responsibilities. Add in significant other’s families, and I’ve had more running the roads and less time to actually appreciate the time I have with family and friends.

Not. Cool.

As part of my New Year’s Resolution, I’ve trying to refocus my energies and make times like these more memorable. It can be so hard to stay in the moment when your schedule is full, but what’s the point of having a full schedule if you aren’t enjoying every moment of it?

My goals? Put my phone down. Have quality conversations with the people I love. Start saying no to things that I actually don’t want to do or don’t have time to commit fully to. Sounds simple, but it is NOT. I’m the type of person who likes to have every minute of my day planned out, and it’s very, very hard for me to say no. However, I’ve noticed that because I stretch myself so thin, I don’t have time to actually enjoy the time I’m spending doing things I enjoy because I’m constantly worried about what I need to do next.

So, I’m PURSUING a more rich and more fulfilled life, and that starts with doing things to better myself and my relationships with my friends and family. Friend dates and family visits top my list of things to do before school and work starts back up next week.

[Image by Ant1_G via photopin cc]