I managed to read 10 books this month, which is hella impressive, if I do say so myself. Even more exciting is the fact that I read only Black authors this month.
Books Recommended by Harry Potter Characters
So here we are. Books I'm imagining all of the Harry Potter characters are reading in their downtime, you know... when Voldemort isn't trying to kill them.
What I Read January 2021
Oh hi, it's February 5th, and I still can't stop thinking about all the wonderful books I read in January. I put a lot of pressure on myself to get January right -- it's the first month of the year, a way to kick off my new reading goal.
Favorite Backlist BOTM Books
It's no secret that I love Book of the Month Club. I've been a member since April 2017, when I asked my mom for a gift subscription for my 28th birthday. Today I wanted to highlight some of my favorite Book of the Month books from the past 4 years that I've been a member.
My Best Books of 2020
So here are the best of 2020. It was tough to make this list... there were so many good books to choose from!
8 Best Books of Fall 2020
It's fitting that we are kicking off December with a massive cold front here in Louisiana. It's like a true goodbye to fall, and all of the things that come with fall (like sunshine past 5 pm and the ability to walk outside without actually growing icicles). This fall was a wild one, with school … Continue reading 8 Best Books of Fall 2020
Best Books to Help You Escape Election Anxiety
Today, I'm rounding up some of my favorite sci-fi, fantasy, and dystopian books that are sure to distract you from the nightmarish landscape that is Facebook and election results.
What I Read August 2020
Honestly, August is the worst. Getting back into the swing of school and routine, starting the cheer season -- it's just always hectic and not a great reading month. Of course, 2020 is 2020 and, while this was definitely a HIGH STRESS month, it was not as busy as I typically would have been. *A … Continue reading What I Read August 2020
Best Books of Summer 2020
I definitely read some great books this summer, particularly on audio, and the books featured below represent a wide cast and crew, from settings in Nigeria and the Bahamas, to books featuring queer characters, both adult and YA, fiction and nonfiction.
What I Read in May 2020
2020 is wild, y'all. May seemed to pass super quickly, until the final week hit, when it seemed like every day lasted 12 years. I was a bit discouraged going into the last week of May because I had only read five print books, which is just enough to maintain my goal of 60 print … Continue reading What I Read in May 2020