January Wrap-Up

It's the end of January and we are 1/12 through 2014! What a January it has been… Lots of crazy weather here in Southern Louisiana, including THREE snow days! Crazy! I'm so looking forward to spring and the warmth that it brings (even if I will miss these lazy days with my kittens!). January in One … Continue reading January Wrap-Up

Book Review: Attachments

“There are moments when you can't believe something wonderful is happening. And there are moments when your entire consciousness is filled with knowing absolutely that something wonderful is happening.” ― Rainbow Rowell, Attachments


Whew! Hello!What a whirlwind of a few weeks it has been! As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of year. I mean, whose isn't? The presents, the food, the pretty outfits, the presents…. I love the festivities and the excitement, plus the free time to run around with my cousins while my parents … Continue reading Refocusing