“I was impressed. She had already mastered the art of not saying much of anything at all.” ― Katherine Howe, Conversion
Guest Post: Manic.
Today, I'm proud to welcome my intelligent, charming, hilarious cousin Abby (who you miiiiight remember from this post back in October about the first time she read Perks of Being a Wallflower). Abby is a Licensed Master Social Worker, and has been interested in mental health forever. When I texted her regarding mental illness for my … Continue reading Guest Post: Manic.
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Character-Based Novels
Each week, The Broke and The Bookish hosts a linkup for book bloggers -- Top Ten Tuesday! This week, the theme is Favorite Character-Based Novels.This topic was interesting for me, because I've always felt like I am a plot-driven reader. That is, I prefer a book that has a strong plot line over a lot … Continue reading Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Character-Based Novels
Mental Illness Awareness Week
The first full week of October is designated Mental Illness Awareness Week.It's interesting. Mental illness is so prevalent, yet still so taboo in our culture. According to NAMI, the National Association of Mental Illness, one in four adults experiences mental illness in a given year, and for teenagers, 20% will experience severe mental disorders.When I … Continue reading Mental Illness Awareness Week
Gone Girl Hits Theaters
Holy moly, has this been a year for books-turned-movies or what?First, Divergent. Then, The Fault in Our Stars. Followed by If I Stay. Then, The Giver. Now, Gone Girl.I know I missed a few (you can check out this list for more Books Turned Movies in 2014). There were some that I read the book but … Continue reading Gone Girl Hits Theaters
This quote came up on my Facebook newsfeed yesterday, and I found it so applicable to my life at the moment, I had to share.More to come later, but for now, keep sending positive vibes my way, as I try to sort out what the universe has in store for me.
On Lena Dunham and Rebecca
Over the past few months, I have discovered more and more blogs that I've fallen in love with. Funny enough, most of these aren't book blogs, but rather, personal blogs. Sure, they all have some type of theme, like fashion or crafting, but the essence of the blog is personality. The authors aren't afraid to … Continue reading On Lena Dunham and Rebecca
Book Review: The Thirteenth Tale
“There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.” ― Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale
September Wrap-Up
So I haven't written a Wrap-Up post since April, which is astounding, and a bit sad, because I tend to come back to these posts often. September was a big month of change for us, in that I'm still job hunting (with a few good leads!), and Jeromy got a new job, which he starts … Continue reading September Wrap-Up
Book Review: Landline
“Neal didn't take Georgie's breath away. Maybe the opposite. But that was okay--that was really good, actually, to be near someone who filled your lungs with air.” ― Rainbow Rowell, Landline