February Wrap-Up

February just flew by! We had a week off for Mardi Gras and a few surprise days off because of the weather, so my first month of work has been so short. February has also been filled with SO MANY awesome visits with friends that I’ve lost touch with during graduate school. Hooray for free time and no more studying!

February in One Word: Reunited (So many catch up sessions with old friends and family!)

My Favorite Memories in February 2015:

  • Super Bowl Sunday supper with Mom and Steph to celebrate Steph’s birthday
  • Starting my new career!
  • Celebrating the wedding of a dear college friend
  • Signing up for my very own health insurance, a whole 2 months before I turn 26
  • The most wonderful Valentine’s Day
  • A long, productive, relaxing Mardi Gras holiday
  • Coffee date and shop talk with an awesome teacher friend
  • 6 hour catch up session with one of my oldest friends
  • Beginning to plan the wedding!

Books I Read this Month: (8!!!!!)

  • A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (Review)
  • Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness (Review)
  • The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness (Review)
  • Just One Day by Gayle Forman (Review)
  • Just One Year by Gayle Forman (Review)
  • Let’s Get Lost by Adi Alsaid
  • A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner
  • Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein

Articles from Around the Web:

Current Obsessions:

  • Gilmore Girls and binge watching Netflix
  • Date nights with my favorite CPA fiancé (ok, it’s a continuing, if not renewed, obsession)
  • The library, because they have a limit of 50 books and I’m currently at 20 checked out

3 Things I’m Sad to See Go with February:

  • Week long holidays and surprise days off
  • Valentine’s Day (which has quickly become my favorite holiday)
  • Cuddle times with the fur kids

    3 Things I’m Looking Forward to in March:

    • Busy Sundays with birthday parties and wedding showers
    • Bridal Expo with my favorite ladies
    • So many fun work events coming up, including cheerleading tryouts (yep, I’m going to be the coach!)

    Favorite Quote from a Book I Read this Month:

    “This felt like the way you get nervous right before something exciting happens-the moment when you’re balanced on the top of the roller coaster, the hush before the surprise party, the second after the diving board but before the water, when you can close your eyes and imagine, for just a second, that you’re flying. The feeling that good things were coming, almost here, any moment now.”
    – Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson