April is over.. Can you believe it? What a month it has been! My birthday was everything I expected it to be, with lots of fun with friends and family and only one or two major "OMG I'M 25" breakdowns. Spring break ended the month, with Festival and a beautiful wedding.. What a wonderful month!April … Continue reading April Wrap-Up
Category: Not So Bookish
25 Years Wiser
Today, I am a quarter of a century old. Ten years ago, I would have been appalled by who I am today. I'm not married, no babies, and I'm in school for business. There is not much about my life today that my 15 year old self would have planned out. But you know, there … Continue reading 25 Years Wiser
March Wrap-Up
Y'all, March has already come and gone! I can't believe we have already flown through a third of 2014. I have so many fun things coming up later in the year, and I guess my anxiousness to get to vacation and moving and finishing school is making this year fly by.March in One Word: Hectic!My … Continue reading March Wrap-Up
Whew.I'll say it again.Whew.I know, I know! It's been two weeks since I've blogged on here. That's crazy. These last two weeks have been ridiculous. Mardi Gras, head cold, midterms, teachers wanting me to do EVERYTHING, oh, and starting a new job.... Well it's all added up to hectic days and sleepless nights and not … Continue reading Y’all.
February Wrap-Up
Happy end of February to you all! The month has flown by in a flurry of hot and cold days. I'm currently battling a head cold, which is no fun to deal with the week before Mardi Gras and two weeks before midterms and papers. Cheers to the end of February, and bring on March!February … Continue reading February Wrap-Up
Bacchanal Wine Date Night
In case you weren't aware, Valentine's Day was last Friday. I love Valentine's Day! Of course, I haven't had a Valentine's Day single since 9th grade, but that's besides the point. I love the love that pours out of everyone on this day, as if we were all reminded that it is okay to tell … Continue reading Bacchanal Wine Date Night
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Yesterday, I sat down and wrote a blog post on Valentine's Day and how important it was to tell people that you love them.Then I reread it, and realized that the blog post that I wrote would be much better suited for a personal card to those people I love, rather than a blog post … Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day!
January Wrap-Up
It's the end of January and we are 1/12 through 2014! What a January it has been… Lots of crazy weather here in Southern Louisiana, including THREE snow days! Crazy! I'm so looking forward to spring and the warmth that it brings (even if I will miss these lazy days with my kittens!). January in One … Continue reading January Wrap-Up
New Year’s Resolution Update — Persue a Healthy Lifestyle
It's January 28th... How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions? Oh? Those things? Yea.I've found that with my verb choice for my New Year's resolution, it's been pretty easy to keep up with it. I don't feel pressure to EXERCISE or EAT RIGHT or DON'T SPEND MONEY. It's more about pursuing the lifestyle … Continue reading New Year’s Resolution Update — Persue a Healthy Lifestyle
Whew! Hello!What a whirlwind of a few weeks it has been! As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of year. I mean, whose isn't? The presents, the food, the pretty outfits, the presents…. I love the festivities and the excitement, plus the free time to run around with my cousins while my parents … Continue reading Refocusing