October Wrap-Up

Happy Halloween! I absolutely cannot believe that October is already over. Winter is coming (ha!), and with it comes colder weather, holidays, and GRADUATION. My goodness, how time flies.October in One Word: Blogggggggging. And Puppy.My Favorite Memories in October 2014:Arthur the little brown puppy, and all of the fun we've had seeing him grow and … Continue reading October Wrap-Up

Monday Funday

This weekend, I slept a lot. When I wasn't sleeping, I was reading. Have you ever found a novel that you didn't want to end because you love the character so much? I found a new favorite character this weekend, and I literally hugged the book when I was done. (PS. Said novel is NOT … Continue reading Monday Funday


This quote came up on my Facebook newsfeed yesterday, and I found it so applicable to my life at the moment, I had to share.More to come later, but for now, keep sending positive vibes my way, as I try to sort out what the universe has in store for me.


June.. What to say about June.Well, I moved into a house.And I got engaged.And I (hopefully) passed the hardest class of the MBA program.All in all, June was one heck of a month!(I also started a new blog, Becoming the Bourques, which will chronicle Jeromy and my engagement! Yipee!)Hopefully next week, I can get back … Continue reading Whew!