Ah, the end of a year. Always bittersweet, always reflective, always coming way faster than I could have ever predicted.
Category: Not So Bookish
Women’s Roles and The Alice Network
It's a post-Harvey Weinstein, post-Matt Laur, post-Louis C.K. world, and we are just trying to live in it. Sometimes, this means ducking our heads into a good book that reminds us that, sometimes, women win. The Alice Network does just that.
January Wrap-Up
This month has been long and exhausting, but it has also been one of the best Januarys I have had in recent memory. I've been making an effort to be more intentional... choosing things that will bring me happiness, letting go of the things that bring me down, and making an effort to spend more … Continue reading January Wrap-Up
Recovery Mode
Typically, when that week between Christmas and New Year's Eve rolls around, I get really nostalgic for the year that has past. I contemplate the things that have happened in the last year to get me to the point I'm at now, and I wonder about what the future holds. But frankly, I'm so over … Continue reading Recovery Mode
Thankful in 2016
Today is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Of course, I've always watched the Macy's parade, especially loving the Broadway performances and the Radio City Rockettes. And then there's the food. Because allllll the food. But one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving is the fact that it forces us to … Continue reading Thankful in 2016
A Year (Revised)
On July 5, I wrote a blog post for the first time in a year. It was filled with gratitude and hope. Life is looking vastly different than it was four months ago. On August 13, 2016, our home flooded. We were not the only people on our street to flood. We weren't the only … Continue reading A Year (Revised)
A Year
Hello! It's been almost a year since my last blog post. Why so long? Well, starting a new job is never easy. Starting a new teaching job with subjects you've never taught before in a school that allows you to create your own curriculum? That's damn overwhelming.In the past year I've planned a wedding, kicked … Continue reading A Year
A Summer of Classics
This summer, there hasn't been a whole lot of reading getting done. I know exactly why.Procrastination.I'm falling prey to it, just like my students. All summer long, I could have been reading glorious contemporary fiction that sucks me in. Instead, I've been feeling guilty about not completing my summer reading. I didn't want to read … Continue reading A Summer of Classics
Spring Wrap-Up
Oops.. I might have been slacking on the blogging, but I really miss these wrap-up posts. They are a way for me to keep my life organized, and help me look back on my year. (Also, it helps me remember all of the books I read, which, alas, hasn't been many lately.)Spring in One Word: … Continue reading Spring Wrap-Up
Exciting Opportunities Abound
Beginning in August, I will be using my MBA to teach college-level Economics classes to juniors and seniors in high school. I will also be using my education degree to teach English to some unsuspecting tenth graders.This week, I received an email saying I had been chosen for a very special professional development opportunity. My … Continue reading Exciting Opportunities Abound