Books that are Sentenced to Life on my To-Read Shelf

EEK. I’m so glad that today’s Top Ten Tuesday (which is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, formerly hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) is an easy topic, because my weekend was FILLED with books. Literally. I read 4. Between Friday and Sunday. So this is a short, sweet post, before I resume catching up on all areas of my life that I neglected this weekend. The topic this week is books I want to read (but haven’t quite gotten to…).

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Last time I did a Top Ten Tuesday post, it was on my very favorite books of all time. This post is just the opposite… the books that have sat on my To Read list FOREVER. Some of them were added in the fervor of just finding Goodreads for the first time and adding ALL THE THINGS. Some of them are legit good books that have won lots of awards, except I have avoided picking them up for whatever reason.

What follows is a list of 10 books that have sat on my To Read list forever, and the reasons why that may be. You will learn much more about me as a person (I like pretty covers. I hate long subtitles.) than you will learn about the books themselves.

Currently, the oldest book on my Want to Read list on Goodreads is Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor’s Story of Life and Death in the People’s Temple by Deborah Layton. Why was this one of the first books I added back in February 2013? I have no idea. I’m pretty sure I didn’t read a single nonfiction book that whole year. I do want to read it, however, because it sounds actually really interesting, and I’ve been on a nonfiction kick this year.

Next on my list is Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I love Lauren Oliver. Everyone loves this book. It has great ratings from all of my friends, and it is the start of a well-known YA series. Why haven’t I read this book??

I added What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty back in August 2013, long before Big Little Lies and The Husband’s Secret became a thing. The premise sounds amazing, and I know that I love Moriarty’s writing style after reading a few of her other books. I’m thinking of moving this one up on my list of Must Read in 2018.

I’m amazed that I added The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton to my list back in October 2013. I think I received it at the book club Christmas party from our gift exchange a couple of months after adding it, and it has sat on my shelf ever since. I included this book in my Around the Year plan, because it’s been on my shelf forever, and I’m genuinely interested in the book.

Ok so, I must admit. I LOVE Game of Thrones and I have also never read Game of Thrones. I know, who would have guessed it? The books, much like the series, are full of interwoven characters with weird names and loooong back stories, and I just got really overwhelmed when I first tried to read it. I should probably try again, now that I follow the show, but… it’s a major commitment with no end in sight (or maybe a very distinct and sudden end that doesn’t feel like an end because there’s supposed to be more books that just aren’t. getting. written.)

I added A Million Little Pieces by James Frey to the list when this book first came out. This is a classic example of me hearing the hype, adding the book to my list, actually borrowing the book from someone, holding on my shelf through three house moves, and never actually reading the book. I just never had the urge to pick it up over alllll of the other books….

I must have felt very literary when I added East of Eden by John Steinbeck to my list. Does anyone truly enjoy reading Steinbeck? Or do people just enjoy telling other people that they read Steinbeck? The world may never know.

Ah, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder by Arianna Huffington. First, why do so many nonfiction books feel the need to add the longest subtitles ever, and second, why do I feel the need to add all of them to my To Read list, knowing they will never get read? I just realized that I probably read all the fiction books that I added back in August 2014, and so now all that is left is all the nonfiction I never read.

I think I added The Body Electric by Beth Revis to my list after reading Across the Universe and really enjoying it. The cover is just really pretty. But also this book is sci-fi, a genre I generally only read if someone is making me (hello, book club and Ready Player One). Chances are that I’ll never read this book, but I’ll also probably never cut it off my list because the cover is pretty and the ratings aren’t bad.

Yes Please by Amy Poehler is one that I am determined to get off of this list this year. I’ve had it on my shelf forever (again, I think I got it in a book club Christmas exchange), and this is the year I will finally read it, thanks to my nonfiction reading goals!

Have you read any of these? Any that you would recommend me moving to the top of my To Read pile now? Let me know in the comments!

9 thoughts on “Books that are Sentenced to Life on my To-Read Shelf

    1. That’s EXACTLY why these are still on my shelf unread! I love the world, but I like it better when a YouTuber is explaining it to me succinctly.

  1. Hi! I love your title for this week 🙂 I read Yes Please. I enjoyed it. I read it right after Tina Fey’s Bossypants, and they were a bit similar so I think that was why I was underwhelmed. But I still recommend it. It was funny!
    My TTT

    1. I think when I’ve read so many memoirs in the past couple of years that I’m a bit burnt out on them, which is why I haven’t picked up this one yet. but it’s on my list for the next few months!

  2. I’ve seen The Luminaries on a couple of lists, I’ve read it. It’s a pretty intimidating read because it’s SO long and I only found it okay. A cool concept though! I love the Song Of Ice & Fire series though, I only have one more book to read of what’s currently out! I definitely recommend it!

    Good choices, feel free to check out my TTT list 🙂

    1. Thanks for the insight on The Luminaries! As for GoT, I just really hesitate to start the series and then be among the frustrated thousands when he just does want to release the final books in the series!

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