30 Books to Read Before 30

I’m turning 30 next year, and along with a few things on my bucket list, I had to put together a list of 20 books to read before 30!

This was supposed to be posted last week on my actual 29th birthday, but with a birthday looming, Easter break coming to a close, and my husband working 65 hour weeks, I just wasn’t quite ready to reflect on the reality of facing the last year of my 20s.

I’m honestly looking forward to my 30s. Most of the people I work with are in their 30s, and I feel like I’ve outgrown my 20s. (Was I ever really 21? I feel like I’ve been 65 since I was born.)books to read before 30

There are a few things I’d like to do during my last year of my 20s, and among those, of course, is to read some good books. I’ve decided to create a bucket list of sorts, because I love lists, and I love checking them off. 30 books seems totally doable, considering I’ve already read 21 since 2018 started back in January!

I’ve sorted them into mini-lists, because it makes it much less daunting. So below are 30 books to read before 30!

Cleanse my TBR Pile


tbr unread

I have SO MANY books on my To Read list from 2013 and 2014, and I’ve resolved to make a dent this year!

Classics to Enrich My Brain



I am TERRIBLE at reading classic literature, but I hope to tackle these before I turn 30!

Revisit Old Favorites


tbr faves

I read so fast, and I often miss details because I’m so excited about the plot! I hope to revisit these favorites this year and remember why I loved them.

YA I Missed Out On


tbr ya fiction

Leaving my 20s behind definitely doesn’t mean I’m leaving young adult fiction behind, but I will be trying to catch up on these Goodreads favorites that I missed out on!

Contemporary Classics that Everyone is Reading


tbr adult fiction

I feel like every time I get on Instagram or #spiveys📚club, I see people talking about these books. I’m trying to read all of these as soon as possible!


tbr nonfiction

One of my goals this year was to read more nonfiction, and now I’m on a roll! I have heard so many good things about these, so I’m looking forward to squeezing them in between all of my fiction reads.

What do you think? Am I missing anything? What should I start with? Let me know below!